Parent Involvement
The Heritage School Parental Involvement Policy
By researching schools, waiting on a list, and choosing The Heritage School, you have already acknowledged that you believe that your involvement in your child's education is paramount. At Heritage, we agree completely. The single most important factor in a child's success in school is a parent who supports them, holds them accountable, sets the standards high, and puts in the time and effort to make success a reality. By choosing The Heritage School, you have made a commitment to live up to the standard of excellence that you expect in your child and in our school. You expect excellence in us; we expect excellence from you. The Parental Involvement Policy is intended to involve parents in a positive way that supports student learning and the ultimate goals of The Heritage School.
Every Heritage family is expected to volunteer a minimum of one hour per month, including every month from August through May. Any adult family member may complete the hour per month. Hours may not be accumulated from one month to the next. Hours may not be made up once a month has ended. To verify your parent involvement time, you must sign the volunteer notebook on the front counter in the office. If you do specific work away from school which adds up to an hour of involvement, you must contact the attendance technician by the last day of the month during which the volunteer hour was served and provide your name, your activity, the date, and for whom you did the service. Please note that donations of money, food, supplies etc. cannot count as fulfilling your volunteer hour.
Below are some suggestions for quality ways to serve your hours of parent involvement. Although this list is not all inclusive, it does list a variety of authentic and quality activities that will make a difference for your child, their teacher, and our school. We appreciate you and believe that you make the difference at Heritage!
- Volunteer in a classroom
- Volunteer on the playground
- Correct papers
- Help P.E. teacher(s)
- Help coach sports
- Attend school board meetings
- Attend VIPA general meetings
- Be a board member on VIPA or the Advisory Board
- Attend Open House and/or Back to School Night
- Attend assemblies
- Attend band/chorus concerts
- Help with after school activities
- Help with the carnival
- Help with fundraisers
- Help plan and decorate for class parties
- Help with book fairs
- Attend field trips
- Help teachers to clean desks and classrooms
- Help our custodians
- Volunteer in the library
- Chaperone school dances
- Create the Kindergarten or 1st grade memory books
- Help and/or attend Breakfast with the Principal
- Attend ELAC meetings
- Prepare materials for projects
- Help in the cafeteria