Boys' Basketball Coach: Andre Soesman [email protected]
Girls' Basketball Coach: Freddy Johnson [email protected]
Rules/Expectations for the Quail Valley Gym:
As guests using the Quail Valley facilities for our home court, please follow and respect these guidelines for using the Quail Valley Gym in addition to the guidelines for players and spectators described in the Athletic Clearance Packet.
1. No food or drinks (except water) allowed in the gym. If players need to eat, they are asked to step outside the gym doors (on the parking lot side) & eat there & use that trash can.
2. No stomping on the bleachers. Years of people stomping has resulted in numerous (expensive) repairs to the motors, metal frame, etc underneath, so to preserve the integrity and safety of the bleachers, please don't stomp.
3. Restrooms are open for use, but the locker room is off-limits. Please keep all players and spectators out of the locker rooms.