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Saturday Academy Information 2024-2025!
Dear Parents,
The dates for Saturday Academies for the 24-25 school year are set! Remember that Saturday Academies are great learning opportunities and serve to make up an unexcused absence from your students records. Attached is the permission slip for this year's academies. Please call our office with any questions.
Upcoming Events
Basketball @ STEM
Time: 4:30 PM – 8 PM
Basketball @ Desert
Time: 4 PM – 8 PM
Freedom Writers @ Quail Valley All Snowline Families Invited!
Time: 4:30 PM – 5:30 PM
Latest News
Heritage Spirit Wear Now on Sale!
In response to parent requests to offer more variety and affordable options for Spirit Wear, we’ve collaborated with a Heritage family business to offer a Heritage Spirit Wear Sale! We chose not to make this a fundraiser so that we could offer the most affordable prices possible. Our goal is to outfit all of our Eagles so they can show their school spirit and wear their shirts proudly on Fridays and at school events. Adult sizes are offered too!
Builders Club Hockey Night Ducks Game!
All Heritage families are invited to attend the Builders' Club sponsored Ducks game! It's Bobblehead night!